Misrata Medical Council
MMC is one of the branches of the Libyan general medical council. Established in 1976 according to Libyan law. It aims to raise the raise the medical profession and physicians.
Since its establishment by the firsts of the city’s physicians, its purpose was and still is the protection of its members, defending their professional rights, preserve the honor, ethics and behaviors of the profession and raise the efficiency and capacity of the doctor to perform his/her duties.
بدعم وجهود كافة الأعضاء سنستمر في تقديم المزيد من والأفضل للرقي بالمهنة وضمان الحقوق.

Since the council was established, it has been performing been performing, participating and providing several different activities, that included:
- Training courses for its members in different medical fields.
- Research methodology training courses.
- Organizing lectures and workshops in Emergency Medicine and First Aid.
- Sending medical convoys to southern Libyan cities, in the aim of providing medical care in different specialties, From regular checkup to performing surgical operations. In addition to providing medical equipments and drugs.
- Participating in several community and awareness programs.